
医学部生の自習室/Med student's study room

医学生の学びを世界へ / From Japan to the World: Daily Stories of a Medical Student


問診と身体診察を極めよう、OSCEにむけて:腰痛 / Unleash your Mastery - The art of history taking and physical examination: lower back pain

Hey there, Today, I've put together a summary on lower back pain, which is just as common as the joint pain we discussed last time. I thought I'd share it with you all. こんにちは~、 今日は前回まとめた関節痛と同じくらい出会うであろう 腰痛…

問診と身体診察を極めよう、OSCEにむけて:関節痛 / Unleash your Mastery - The art of history taking and physical examination: Arthralgia/Joint pain

Welcome back to my blog Today, let's dive right into today's joint pain, arthlargia いつもありがとうございます~ 今日も問診と診察を極めて行きましょう 本日は関節痛についてです Joint pain is one of the more common symptoms that patients repo…

問診と身体診察を極めよう、OSCEにむけて:嘔気・嘔吐、腹部膨満感 / Unleash your Mastery - The art of history taking and physical examination: Nausea/Vomiting, Abdominal distension

Hey there! If you've ever felt queasy, thrown up, or dealt with a swollen belly, you know how unpleasant it can be. みなさん、こんにちは〜! 今までに吐き気や嘔吐、腹部膨満感を感じたことはありますか? 今日はこれらの不快感に対してどうやって…

問診と身体診察を極めよう、OSCEに向けて:失神 / Unleash your Mastery - The art of history taking and physical examination: Syncope

Hello! Today, I studied about syncope, which is a common reason for patients to be brought to the emergency room. こんにちは~ 今日は救急外来にもよく運ばれてくる 失神について勉強しました~ Since syncope is also related to symptoms like pal…

問診と身体診察を極めよう、OSCEに向けて:めまい / Unleash your Mastery - The art of history taking and physical examination: Dizziness

Hello everyone!!! Let's continue mastering history taking and physical examination! こんにちは~ 今日も問診・診察を極めて行きましょう! Today, I studied dizziness. It seems like a complex symptom with many considerations By focusing on the…

問診と身体診察を極めよう、OSCEに向けて:動悸 / Unleash your Mastery - The art of hystory taking and physical examination: Palpitations

Hello everyone! こんにちは~ Today marks the inaugural edition of our series on studying medical history taking and physical examination! And what better way to kick things off than by delving into the topic of "Palpitations"! 今日は 問診…

問診と身体診察を極めよう、OSCEに向けて:総論 / Unleash your Mastery: The art of hystory taking and physical examination: Overview

こんにちは~、 いつも読んでくださりありがとうございます Greetings, dear readers, Gratitude flows your way for your consistent support. 医学生は実習に出る前と、実習が一段落した時に OSCE (Objected Structured Clinical Examination)という試験を…

Case review: 中心性脊髄損傷 / Central spinal injury

さて、昨日カルテ形式で一緒に考えていった症例 中心性脊髄損傷のまとめを行っていきましょう Alright, let's summarize the case we discussed together yesterday: Central Cord Syndrome. poohmedical.hatenablog.com 、、、とその前に、 その後の治療に…

5/15 痛くて動かないのは両腕だけ? / The patient's note: c/o electric and severe pain only in the upper limb

こんにちは~! いかがお過ごしでしょうか? Hello~!! How are you doing?? GWも終わってゆっくりと日常に戻っていっている今日この頃ですが、 私も救急外来での実習がスタートしています Now that Golden Week gas ended and we're gradually returning to …

記事更新再開していきます!!(I'm going to resume the posting!!)

お久しぶりです、、、 といっても最後に更新したのは3年弱前だったので、もともと読んでくれていた人までこの知らせが届くかはわかりませんが(泣) もともと3日坊主の僕が、コロナ期間に何か始めてみようと思って取り掛かったこのブログですが、やはり続か…